June 19, 2016
As I mentioned in my March 16th post, the middle school students in Sara Breeze’s English classes at the Schoolcraft Learning Community in Bemidji, Minnesota, wrote tall tales based on the Northwood’s Monsters that I included in my lumberjack novel, BLACKWATER BEN. Not only did the students produce some creative tales, but they also illustrated their writing with original art work.
Here are some samples:

Schoolcraft Learning Community
Northwood’s Tall Tales, Art and Writing Project
Category: Student Writing & Art
May 24, 2016
Though I enjoy visiting schools, and I appear at 50+ middle and elementary schools annually, I have to admit that working with students at Young Author’s Conferences is my favorite thing to do. It’s a privilege to work with students who have declared an interest in writing and the arts. In each and every session I can see the excitement in the young author’s
faces and sense how eager they are to get started. As a bonus, I often get personal feedback from the kids, who share what a great experience it is for them.
I was recently at St. Ben’s College for a YA conference sponsored by Resource Training & Solutions and managed by Sandy Cordie. A student, who I’ll just call B to maintain his privacy, left a touching note on my desk:
Dear Mr. Durbin
Hi, My name is B. I’m from UK. I never really liked reading. When I read THE BROKEN BLADE I got inspired (instantly!). I never thought you would be my teacher! You inspired me to start writing and drawing. Thank you for being such an inspiration.
Now your student, B
Category: Student Writing & Art, Writing Classes, Young Author's Conferences
March 4, 2016
The middle school students in Sara Breeze’s English classes at the Schoolcraft Learning Community in Bemidji, Minnesota, wrote tall tales of their own invention based on the Northwood’s Monsters that I included in my lumberjack novel, BLACKWATER BEN. Not only did the students produce some exceptionally creative tales, but they also illustrated their writing with original art work. Follow the link below to view the entire project:
Schoolcraft Learning Community
Northwood’s Tall Tales, Art and Writing Project
Category: Student Writing & Art