Though I enjoy visiting schools, and I appear at 50+ middle and elementary schools annually, I have to admit that working with students at Young Author’s Conferences is my favorite thing to do. It’s a privilege to work with students who have declared an interest in writing and the arts. In each and every session I can see the excitement in the young author’s faces and sense how eager they are to get started. As a bonus, I often get personal feedback from the kids, who share what a great experience it is for them.
I was recently at St. Ben’s College for a YA conference sponsored by Resource Training & Solutions and managed by Sandy Cordie. A student, who I’ll just call B to maintain his privacy, left a touching note on my desk:
Dear Mr. Durbin
Hi, My name is B. I’m from UK. I never really liked reading. When I read THE BROKEN BLADE I got inspired (instantly!). I never thought you would be my teacher! You inspired me to start writing and drawing. Thank you for being such an inspiration.
Now your student, B