July 28, 2011
From August, 1999 through May, 2002, Boy’s Life magazine published a 27-episode illustrated version of my novel The Broken Blade. All the past episodes are now available online courtesy of Boy’s Life. The first episode can be accessed here: August, 1999. Once you get to the issue, select The Broken Blade in the table of contents under the comics section or scroll down to page 56. Additional back issues can be found at Boy’s Life.

Category: The Broken BladeTags: T |
July 26, 2011
I’ve been swimming every evening since a heat wave hit the northwoods. After a cold blustery June, it seemed like summer was never going to come. Then hot and humid weather arrived at the beginning of July—it was 80-90 for a week straight (the 4th of July parade in Tower was stifling)—and the water in the lake warmed up fast.

But no matter how warm the weather gets, it’s still a shock to dive into Lake Vermilion. And by shock I mean a good, wake-up-the-soul, shake-off-the-cobwebs kind of shock. It’s so enlivening to leap off the dock into that cold glacial lake and have the oppressive heat instantly washed away. For a moment I feel like the kid I was back in the 1960’s leaping off my Grandpa and Grandma Wilson’s dock on Lower Hay Lake north of Brainerd.
I like to swim just before sunset. I took this photo last night from our dock, facing west toward Daisy Island. I was about to dive in…
Category: Life on Lake Vermilion
July 9, 2011
Welcome to my new website. Thanks to my son Reid’s redesign, my site has a new look along with a journal/blog, which he claims is a necessity for a writer in the current publishing world. So though I’m more of a traditionalist, who’s spent more writing hours in front of a typewriter than a laptop, here goes…
Category: Life on Lake Vermilion, Publishing